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Where is ART and How Do I Use It?

This episode provides information on where to find ART and how to start generating a list of Section 508 requirements that apply to the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that you want to procure.

[low, steady music throughout]

Voice Over (VO): Where is ART and how do I use it?

(VO): To get started with ART, open your browser and go to

(VO): Then, select the button that says, “Select to get started.”

(VO): Next, enter your name, and the name of the type of ICT product or service that you are procuring.

(VO): For this example, we will enter “security equipment,” though your product may have a different description, like “video editing software,” or “public visitor website.”

(VO): Type in the item you need, then select the “Add” button.

(VO): Select “Continue” to move to the next step.

(VO): Now, you can start filling out some information about the ICT you need, which will help ART generate your report.

(VO): Do you need a report to put together solicitation documents, or are you doing market research?

(VO): What exceptions apply to your situation?

(VO): What types of hardware and software will be involved in your ICT?

(VO): For each question, select the answer (or answers) that best apply to your ICT product.

(VO): As you answer each question, more questions will appear for you to go into more detail.

(VO): Keep answering questions until you reach the bottom of the page.

(VO): Once you have answered all of the questions, you will have two options.

(VO): If you select “Save (.json), you will download a JSON file, which you can use if you want to make edits or continue working on your list at a later time.

(VO): If you select “Get 508 Results,” you will see a page that lists all of the Section 508 standards that apply to the situation you described with your responses.

(VO): This page also includes some helpful instructions about how this list will help you as you continue the procurement process, so be sure to review these instructions carefully.

(VO): This video is a product of the General Services Administration.

Reviewed/Updated: July 2024

An official website of the General Services Administration

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