Low Maturity - Very Low Conformance
Number of Entities in Category: 34
Average Maturity Score: 1.50
Average Conformance Score: 0.54
Two Lowest Average Dimensions: Human Capital, Culture, and Leadership (0.97), Training (1.07)
Two Highest Average Maturity Scores: Communications (2.17), Content Creation (1.78)
Highlighted Outcomes:
24 entities (71%) said the entity does not have a Section 508 Program or one is in development but not yet established.
31 entities (91%) said they did not have the resources to test their top five-viewed videos, while the other three did not have any conformant videos. All entities received a zero for this criteria.
Entities in this category performed above trend in Communications and Policies, Procedures, and Practices, while being slightly below trend in Testing and Validation.
Those in the Low-Very Low overall performance category should continue to invest in establishing a Section 508 Program Office at the entity, as well as investing in their testing activities including allocating resources to testing their top-viewed ICT.
Low Maturity - Low Conformance
Number of Entities in Category: 15
Average Maturity Score: 1.47
Average Conformance Score: 1.31
Two Lowest Average Dimensions: Human Capital, Culture, and Leadership (0.81), Training (0.85)
Two Highest Average Maturity Scores: Communications (2.00), Acquisitions and Procurement (1.86)
Highlighted Outcomes:
13 entities (87%) said the entity does not have a Section 508 training plan (12 entities) or it is unknown if they have a plan (1 entity).
100% of entities said they either had no resources to test electronic documents (10 entities) or no documents were fully conformant (5 entities).
Entities in this category performed above trend in Technology Lifecycle Activities Dimension, while being slightly below trend in the IT Accessibility Program Office and Training Dimensions.
Those in the Low-Low overall performance category should continue to invest in establishing Training activities as well as investing in their testing activities, particularly allocating resources to testing their top-viewed ICT.
Low Maturity - Moderate Conformance
Number of entities in Category: 8
Average Maturity Score: 1.64
Average Conformance Score: 2.49
Two Lowest Average Dimensions: Human Capital, Culture, and Leadership (0.90), Communications (1.33)
Two Highest Average Maturity Scores: Content Creation (2.51), Testing and Validation (2.37)
Highlighted Outcomes
7 entities (88%) said the reporting entity does not utilize (1 entity, 13%), utilizes sometimes but in an ad hoc manner (4 entities, 50%), or it is unknown if they utilize a formal process or plan for creating Section 508 conformant agency official communications (2 entities, 25%). The last entity said that it uses a formal process regularly (13%).
7 entities (88%) said they escalate and take action on nonconformance issues with vendors and contractors who produce or deliver inaccessible ICT despite contractual requirements for ICT to conform with Section 508 standards only on an ad hoc basis. The other entity answered unknown (13%).
75% of reporting entities either do not host videos (5 entities) or the resources they submitted were fully conformant (1 entity). For the other two, 67% of resources were conformant (1 entity), while the final entity had no conformant videos in the top five-viewed videos. Entities in this category performed above trend in the Content Creation and Testing and Validation Dimensions while being slightly below trend in the Communications, Technology Lifecycle Activities, and Acquisition and Procurement Dimensions.
Those in the Low-Moderate overall performance category should continue to invest in establishing processes for creating accessible communications as well as addressing accessibility in acquisition within the entity.
Low Maturity - High Conformance
Number of Entities in Category: 4
Average Maturity Score: 1.77
Average Conformance Score: 3.46
Two Lowest Average Dimensions: Human Capital, Culture, and Leadership (1.02), Content Creation (1.41)
Two Highest Average Maturity Scores: Testing and Validation (2.24), Training (1.95)
Highlighted Outcomes:
3 entities (75%) said nonconformant content is only sometimes tracked and remediated within the reporting entity, but generally on an ad hoc basis.
3 entities (75%) said they had no Section 508 training plan defined. The final entity said they had a general Section 508 training plan defined but that it does not specify training needs and training curriculum by ICT roles and responsibilities.
3 entities (75%) reported that they do not create any surveys. The final entity said the Section 508 conformance of the enterprise-wide survey authoring tool used to create surveys conforms to 50% to 90% of applicable Section 508 requirements.
All entities said they do not host or produce any videos; similarly 3 entities (75%) said they do not have any publicly-available documents, while the fourth said they did not have resources to test their top 10 documents.
Entities in this category performed below trend in the Content Creation Dimension while they were more or less aligned with the trend for all other Maturity Dimensions.
Those in the Low-High category should invest in improving tracking and remediation of nonconformant content across the enterprise as well as include digital accessibility in Human Capital, Culture, and Leadership efforts, particularly including ICT accessibility into DEIA and mission-related strategic efforts.
Low Maturity - Very High Conformance
There are no reporting entities that fell into the Low Maturity-Very High Conformance Category.
Reviewed/Updated: December 2024