Happy New Year! Our first, IT Accessibility Community Meeting of the year will be a virtual event scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Our overall theme, “Let’s Take Flight & Continue To Soar” focuses on “continuing the meaningful work through unending leadership by example and being the change we want to see ” while reconnecting with our broader accessibility community members and charting the path forward.
As we Continue To Soar this year, we will experience a trip on Flight 508. Like Flight Attendants, Section 508 Program Managers and team members meet and greet passengers on the accessibility flight, constantly explaining the rules they must comply with in our many demonstrations. We calm passengers when projects and priorities become turbulent. No matter what we go through, we work to ensure everyone has the best experience possible – as they onboard and disembark. We may repeat our advice over and over – some people are new to the journey – some people are seasoned travelers. We must always remain encouraged that people need to hear what we say – as if it’s the first time.
You will also have an opportunity to take part in an in-flight journey with one of our soaring Section 508 Superheroes, who will share their accessibility experience.
DATE: February 14, 2023
TIME: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)
WHERE: Virtual
WHO: Anyone involved in Section 508
Registration: Registration is now open and will close Monday, February 13 at 12:00 PM ET. Sign up today!
This virtual meeting is supported by Zoom for Government (FedRAMP certified). Please feel free to attend via your personal device.
*Note: You must join the meeting using your first and last name. Agency affiliation is optional. Nicknames and phone numbers will not be given access
Reviewed/Updated: February 2023