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IT Accessibility Community Meeting | December 2022

The next IT Accessibility Community Meeting is a virtual event scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, 2022. Our overall theme, “Be The Change In Accessibility,” focuses on “being the change” while reconnecting with our broader accessibility community members and charting the path forward. This will be a special meeting as we celebrate the superhero in you.

First, you’ll hear what CDC is doing currently and planning around the need for accessible communication that is plain, clear, and inclusive, and will share some examples of recent work.

Secondly, our understanding of the world around us is shaped by our perspective, and so is our understanding of what we call disabilities. If we can get past the labels we’ve imposed on others, we’ll recognize the truly amazing things people can do. We’ll recognize that people with disabilities are also the ones with superpowers!


DATE: Dec 6, 2022
TIME: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)
WHERE: Virtual
WHO: Anyone involved or interested in Section 508


Registration: Registration is now open and will close Monday, December 5 at 12:00 pm. Sign up today!


Keeping with our December meeting tradition, the annual “Beauty Is In The Eye Of The Beholder” will have a little twist. This year we will have an Accessibility Superhero Contest. Take a picture of yourself in your “best” Accessibility Superhero “look” and submit your picture along with your Accessibility Superhero name to by 3:00 p.m. on Friday, December 2, 2022. Please include your name and agency along with your picture and superhero name. You must be present at the meeting to be eligible to win. Voting for the best superhero look and name will take place during the meeting. ** Our reigning champ from the ugly sweater contest is still Tim Creagan, from the Access Board. Who will be the next champion?

*This virtual meeting is supported by Zoom for Government (FedRAMP certified). Please feel free to attend via your personal device.

Note: By submitting your picture for the superhero contest, you agree to the following:

*Note: You must join the meeting using your first and last name. Agency affiliation is optional. Nicknames and phone numbers will not be given access

Reviewed/Updated: December 2022

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