Updates to Section508.gov

Section508.gov, the one-stop source of information, guidance, training and support for federal agencies seeking to successfully create and manage fully accessible information and communications technology (ICT), is getting a new look!
The GSA Government-wide IT Accessibility Team is working to make the transition as smooth as possible, allowing site users to find information without interruption - whether that’s navigating or searching the site, or redirecting users bookmarked pages should they have been relocated. Using Federalist, the new website will conform with the U.S. Web Design System best practices.
Whether you are new to the website, or a frequent user, the website contains resources individuals can use to buy, build, and create accessible electronic content and tools. Retaining all current information and guidance, the new design improves content navigation and discoverability by grouping information into six key categories:
- Policy & Management
- Acquisition
- Content Creation
- Design & Develop
- Testing
- Training, Tools & Events
After the launch of the new Section508.gov, our team will continue to work with federal accessibility experts to add additional information and resources agencies can use to improve standardization of Section 508 conformance and testing across the government.
Updates to ART

The GSA Government-wide IT Accessibility Team has also been working in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security Office of Accessible Systems & Technology on a newly designed Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART). We are very pleased to announce that the ART tool is both easier to use and saves users time and effort to dedicate to other projects and tasks.
Just like the current tool, ART continues to be a self-service job aid with a primary focus on assisting project teams with identifying what specific 508 standards apply to your solicitations that include information communication technology deliverables.
Some of the key benefits of the new ART features:
- Generate requirements in 10 to 15 minutes
- Supports tailored accessibility related questions in Requests for Information (RFIs) to support market research
- Ability to build requirements for multiple ICT products and services in a single solicitation
You can expect several useful resources, such as frequently asked questions, a user guide and training support. More to come!
We ‘Go-Live’ in September 2021
We are excited to reveal the new Section508.gov and Accessibility Requirements Tool (ART) and are targeting mid- to late-September for the initial update release.
Reviewed/Updated: September 2021